Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Select Sickualr of the Year

Dear friends,

We are going to anounce the "Sickular of the Year" award this month end. So, please nominate your sickular heros.

You can send an email to " sickular [at] gmail [dot] com " or comment to this post. Write his name, and and if possible tell me why he is the sickular of the year 2006.

Thanks for your support.



Unknown said...

Arjun Singh

Unknown said...

YS Yesu Reddy

Unknown said...

Muslayam singh yadav

Kesari said...

mullah singh yadav
y samuel reddy
gauri lankesh
arundhati roy

Suhas Karnik said...

And the award goes to...

Arundhati Roy, Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh (shared)

Unknown said...

Difficult to vote for a single person. Manmohan, Arjun singh, Rajashekhara Reddy and so many...I vote for Rajashejhara Reddy.

Achievements in the sickular direction:
1. Encouraging conversions in Tirupati
2. Tried reservation for muslims
3. Recently, assured christians about providing funds for Bethlehem trip like Haj funding.

Nithin.S said...

all the JNU historians,congressites..

Kesari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kesari said...

One and only Arundhati Roy

