Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"Include Dalit Muslims, Christians in SC/ST reservation category!"

When Sickulars support conversion, they tell caste system in Hinduism leads to conversion. No other religion has caste system...
But see what they tell about reservation for converted minorities:
Time to include Dalit Muslims, Christians in SC/ST reservation category: Antulay

It is so funny to read what Muslims and Christian are asking for. Reservation was given to SC/ST and Dalits, because they have been oppressed an denied fruits of the society. SC/ST and Dalits never ever ruled or never had any commanding position in Indian history.
Now let us look at Muslims. Muslims ruled India for centuries, they converted Hindus, they killed Hindus. They were the ruling class and did everything possible to help their community. Even after that if Muslim population is lagging behind, whose fault is that. It is there fault and their mind set. Unfortunately a common Muslim is brain washed by their leaders. They still want to send their kids to Madarsa and then want to get into IITs and institution like t hat. Why can’t they understand that if they send their kids to regular school they will not need reservation? Muslims never ever suffered in historic India. So on what grounds they are asking for reservation? In fact Hindus have suffered under Muslim rule.
Christian is another story. Like Muslims they ruled India, killed Hindus (and sometime Muslims too) and converted them. Christian thinks they are modern and spend billions of dollars on conversion every year. They never suffered; in fact they made other suffer. If Christian leadership is so concerned about the plight of their brothers and sisters, why don’t they use missionary money and send them to western countries for education. But they will not do it. The very basis for reservation is not different. It was never region and it should never be region.

Remember, If we bring them under resereservation actual dalits and sc/st will loose their possibility of getting benefit.

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